Sailor moon episodes 15
Sailor moon episodes 15

When they get there, Darien is obviously bored, but then something interesting happens.

sailor moon episodes 15

Next up we see Raye inviting Darien (they're actually dating at this stage) to the doll show which is currently on. Sammy gets inspired to build Mika a Sailor Moon doll. This is obviously a mistake by the writers as they show a picture of "Sailor V" who, while she's the same person, hasn't taken on the mantle of "Sailor Venus" just yet. Later, Sammy has a flashback to a scene where Mika says that while Sailor Venus is cool, she likes Sailor Moon more. When consulting with Luna, they begin to suspect that the Negaverse may be behind it.

sailor moon episodes 15

He talks about this to Serena and she agrees this is weird. When Sammy comes around a second time Mika yells at him to leave her alone. The doll takes almost immediate effect as later that evening Mika starts working compulsively and pushes her mother on the floor. He gets invited in and while talking he infuses Mika's new sad doll with the power of the Negaforce in order to build her power to the max so it can be drained for the Negaverse. When Sammy goes over he spots a "Maxfield Stanton" who is wanting to meet Mika. Eventually they decide that Sammy should go over to her house and appologise. While this is happening, Sammy and Serena are chatting about what to do about Mika. Nephlite, at that moment is using the power of the stars and Negaverse to find his next target. but it's sad! Her mum asks her to compare it to her prize winning doll, but she makes up an excuse when in fact it's broken and in her drawers. It also turns out that one of these girls sounds just like Rini! )Īt Mika's house, Mika is making another doll. It turns out that Mika gave Sammy her prize winning doll (just what every guy wants), but when some other boys started teasing him he tried to give it back to her, but it fell out of their hands and broke on the ground! Turns out that he didn't appologise so Serena's going to talk to him. Serena teases Sammy about having a "girlfriend" but then they both realise that they're going to be late for school and hurry out the door.Īfter school, Serena and Molly run into two friends of Mika who want to talk to Serena about something Sammy did. Their parents interrupt their squabbling however to tell them that one of Sammy's friends, Mika won a prize for making a doll. Sammy doesn't think this is that special as it's still not early. This contradicts a lot of websites online who say that Hawkes does this episode but it is very obvious that it is Moore who does reprise her role in several later episodes as well after being, for the most part, replaced by Terri Hawkes.Īnyway, in this scene, Serena is happy with herself for getting up on time. Meanwhile at Serena's house it becomes apparent that my fave voice actress, Tracey Moore is voicing Sailor Moon this episode and not Terri Hawkes who does the majority. This scene is interesting in that it's one of the first times we see how multifaceted the villains in the anime can be compared to the manga where most of the time the bad guys are simply. Nephlite, aware of this plotting storms off in anger leaving Beryl angry at his arrogance and Zoicite very pleased with how things are going. Zoicite is trying to manipulate Queen Beryl into losing faith in Nephlite and she seems to be succeeding. This episode starts with a meeting in the Negaverse between Nephlite, Queen Beryl and the recently introduced, Zoicite.

sailor moon episodes 15

If this was also your first episode of Sailor Moon I hope you enjoy this guide to it. It was "my first"! And funnily enough I've stumbled across several other people who also had this episode be their first. It will always hold a special place in my heart.


That's right! This is the episode that got me into Sailor Moon and eventually the construction of this website you're visiting right now! It's certainly not the best written episode of the series, nor is it the slickest animated, but it showed me the potential the series had with characters, superpowers, and drama that convinced me to tune in the same time the day after, and the day after that which eventually led me to the famous, and very popular, Day of Destiny episode which cemented my fandom. This was my very first episode of Sailor Moon. Jap.18 "Shingo's Love! Sorrow French Doll!"

Sailor moon episodes 15